The Nose, VI 5.10 C1+

The Nose, VI 5.10 C1+

On Sunday morning, September 4th, 2005, after spending nearly a week organizing gear, packing and re-packing our haul bags, and finally loading everything into...
September 12, 2004
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668.2 KB
Looking up The Nose

Looking up The Nose

After spending some time staring up at El Cap from the meadows, we decided to climb up to the base of our route, to check out the approach and decide about the...
September 12, 2004
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Scoping out the route

Scoping out the route

When we got back to the car, Aaron got ahold of his parents on his cell phone. They were just getting into the park, se he gave them directions to meet us where...
September 4, 2005
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Scoping out the route

Scoping out the route

Aaron's mother was worried, as any good mother would be. She expressed her concerns a few times. “Are you sure you guys want to do this? Can't you just go for a...
September 4, 2005
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Aaron peers through the scope

Aaron peers through the scope

September 4, 2005
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Will peers through the scope

Will peers through the scope

September 4, 2005
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Alpenglow on Half Dome at sunset

Alpenglow on Half Dome at sunset

After a half hour or so in the meadow, checking out the status of The Nose, we headed to the housekeeping camp, where Aaron's parents had reserved a site. We...
September 4, 2005
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Let the climbing commence!

Let the climbing commence!

On Monday morning (September 5th, Labor Day), Aaron and I awoke before dawn, and left his parents, sleeping in the comfort of their sleeping bags in the...
September 5, 2005
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Me leading pitch 2

Me leading pitch 2

After Aaron finished the first pitch, I jumared up and began leading the second. The plan was for me to try to link pitches 2 and 3, provided that I had enough...
September 5, 2005
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Aaron and a Brendon somewhere on pitch 2 or 3

Aaron and a Brendon somewhere on pitch 2 or 3

Aaron jumared up pitches 2 and 3, losing time only when he stopped to clean the nut that I had almost fallen on. After he had worked on it for about five...
September 5, 2005
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Aaron following pitch 3

Aaron following pitch 3

This shows Aaron a little further up on pitch 3. Note that in these photos, you can still see the tops of the trees not far below us. That will soon change.
September 5, 2005
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Me at the top of pitch 3

Me at the top of pitch 3

That's me, hanging out at the top of pitch 3 as Aaron jugged up. In this photo I am just finishing leg-hauling the mini-pig. Ah, if only all of the hauling were...
September 5, 2005
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Aaron and I on pitch 3

Aaron and I on pitch 3

The lower climber in the photo is Aaron, jumaring up toward me, at the end of pitch 3.
September 5, 2005
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It's about to get crowded...

It's about to get crowded...

When Aaron reached the top of pitch 3, he told me how fast the Brendons were moving. These guys were free-climbing hot shots. We decided to let them pass us,...
September 5, 2005
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Crowded belay

Crowded belay

From left to right, that's Brendon #1, me, and Aaron, all at the top of pitch 3.
September 5, 2005
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Really crowded belay!

Really crowded belay!

From left to right, we now have both Brendons, me, and Aaron, at the top of pitch 3. Quite crowded. They made pretty quick work of pitch 4, however, so it...
September 5, 2005
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Aaron leading pitch 4

Aaron leading pitch 4

After we waited for the Brendons to finish most of pitch 4, Aaron started leading. He free climbed the first part, then French-freed to the right using a fixed...
September 5, 2005
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Aaron at the left end of Sickle Ledge

Aaron at the left end of Sickle Ledge

After a few aid moves, Aaron reached the far left end of Sickle Ledge, the large curving ledge system that marked the end of pitch 4. He then scrambled right...
September 5, 2005
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Aaron and the Brendons on Sickle Ledge

Aaron and the Brendons on Sickle Ledge

September 5, 2005
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Rapping from Sickle Ledge

Rapping from Sickle Ledge

Our plan for the day was to climb four pitches to Sickle Ledge without hauling, then rappel down (leaving ropes in place as we went), get the pigs, and jumar...
September 5, 2005
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Aaron rappelling from Sickle Ledge

Aaron rappelling from Sickle Ledge

Me standing on Sickle Ledge, Aaron starting the first rappel.
September 5, 2005
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Our gear at Sickle Ledge

Our gear at Sickle Ledge

This is our gear, which we left hanging at Sickle Ledge when we went down to get our haulbags. The pack on the left is my climbing pack, a little thing that our...
September 5, 2005
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Aaron on the first rappel from Sickle Ledge

Aaron on the first rappel from Sickle Ledge

Looking down from Sickle Ledge, as Aaron finished the first rappel...
September 5, 2005
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Rapping down from Sickle Ledge

Rapping down from Sickle Ledge

As Aaron and I rapped down from Sickle Ledge, his parents hiked in from the meadows to meet us at the base. They took a few photos of us rappelling. This one...
September 5, 2005
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Rapping down from Sickle Ledge

Rapping down from Sickle Ledge

This shot shows me rapping down with Little Miss Piggy, while Aaron hangs out at an anchor above me.
September 5, 2005
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Rapping down from Sickle Ledge

Rapping down from Sickle Ledge

Me on the left (with the mini-pig on my back) and Aaron on the right...
September 5, 2005
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Me on the ground

Me on the ground

Right after rapping down from Sickle Ledge, complete with the usual ton of aid climbing gear, Little Miss Piggy on my back, and our mascot, Pooky, hanging from...
September 5, 2005
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Aaron rappelling

Aaron rappelling

Almost on the ground, with the whole height of El Cap visible behind him.
September 5, 2005
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Aaron and his mom

Aaron and his mom

His mother was happy to have him safely back on the ground... though he wouldn't be on the ground for long.
September 5, 2005
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Aaron and I on the ground

A favorite!Aaron and I on the ground

This was taken literally seconds after we finished rappelling down from Sickle Ledge.
September 5, 2005
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