A bunch of gearAhh, how I loves me gear. Here's a spread of a bunch of it. Not all of it, just a bunch. Visible here are my BD Stoppers, five Camalots, five Aliens, a bootied... |
January 8, 2005 2048 x 1536 pixels 1.6 MB |
My portaledge, ready to deployI was so excited when I got the message today that my new portaledge had arrived that I was literally dancing around in my office. Here it is hanging in its... |
May 6, 2005 1536 x 2048 pixels 660.7 KB |
Happily hanging outHappily hanging out in my new portaledge, only unhappy that I'm just a few inches off the ground. Make that a thousand feet or so, and I'll be really happy. |
May 6, 2005 1536 x 2048 pixels 648.6 KB |
My portaledge, deployed, with flyHere's the ledge with the fly fully deployed. The fly deploys with remarkable ease, and the pole inside adds a nice bit of head room, especially for the person... |
May 6, 2005 1536 x 2048 pixels 686.3 KB |
Window close-upA close-up shot of the window on the rain fly. That's a nice touch, I think. The window is made of a special plastic that supposedly is very durable and won't... |
May 6, 2005 2048 x 1536 pixels 712.3 KB |
Cozy in my new homeA shot from the inside of my ledge, with the fly on. It's surprisingly spacious in there. Of course, with two people, I'm sure it will be a bit more cramped. |
May 6, 2005 2048 x 1536 pixels 683.1 KB |