Statistics for aid climbs at Zion:

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Date Rating Type Pitches Partner(s) Comments
Moonlight ButtressTrip Report
Angel's Landing
Sun, Dec 12
V 5.9 C2 *** 9 pitches
We did it in 8.
I led 5.
Our second wall, and the first one on which we spent the night. This was a truly spectacular climb, and it actually made me wish that I could free climb 5.13 finger cracks!
Prodigal SunTrip Report
Angel's Landing
Sat, Oct 9
V C2+ *** 9 pitches
We did it in 8.
I led 4.
My first wall This was my first big-wall, and in fact Aaron's first as well. Though he had attempted the Nose more than a year earlier, and had to bail due to crowds, he had very… more
SpaceshotTrip Report
Leaning Wall
Fri, Apr 1
V 5.6 C1 *** 8 pitches
We did it in 7.
I led 3.
Spectacular wall, and we finally got one really big, significant route in on our Spring Break. Spec-freaking-tacular.