Statistics for climbs with Sarah Reite at Joshua Tree:

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Date Rating Type Pitches Partner(s) Comments
Butterfingers Make Me Horny
Real Hidden Valley (Thin Wall)
Sat, Oct 30
5.8/9 1 pitch
I led.

This was way easy for a 5.8/9. Sarah followed this one too, and only had trouble with one move.
The Face of Tammy Faye
Real Hidden Valley (Thin Wall)
Sat, Oct 30
5.8 1 pitch
I followed.

This was also pretty easy. Sarah followed it, and didn't have much trouble.
Ain't Nothin But a J-Tree Thing
Real Hidden Valley (Thin Wall)
Sat, Oct 30
5.6 1 pitch
I followed.

Sarah followed this one, then I followed after her.